Plans and pricing
Choose the plan that suits your hiring needs and budget. Upgrade, downgrade or cancel at any time
Choose your pricing
Simple and flexible pricing - Pause or Cancel anytime
Monthly billing
If you need help with integrations, optimizations, webhooks, inserting code.
Learn along the way
Reduce expenses
Fixed pricing
Unlimited projects
Ideal if you need help through the month on different projects or the same one.
Hire a team, expert or even a frac CTO
No need of PRD or specifications
Fixed pricing
Dedicated Slack channel for your team
Ideal for cases where you need to build your app from scratch or implement changes.
Milestone based deliverables
Weekly sprints and updates
6 weeks of free bug support
Dedicated Slack channel for your team
If you need help with integrations, optimizations, webhooks, inserting code.
Learn along the way
Reduce expenses
Fixed pricing
Unlimited projects
Ideal if you need help through the month on different projects or the same one.
Hire a team, expert or even a frac CTO
No need of PRD or specifications
Fixed pricing
Dedicated Slack channel for your team
Ideal for cases where you need to build your app from scratch or implement changes.
Milestone based deliverables
Weekly sprints and updates
6 weeks of free bug support
Dedicated Slack channel for your team
Monthly billing
If you need help with integrations, optimizations, webhooks, inserting code.
Learn along the way
Reduce expenses
Fixed pricing
Unlimited projects
Ideal if you need help through the month on different projects or the same one.
Hire a team, expert or even a frac CTO
No need of PRD or specifications
Fixed pricing
Dedicated Slack channel for your team
Ideal for cases where you need to build your app from scratch or implement changes.
Milestone based deliverables
Weekly sprints and updates
6 weeks of free bug support
Dedicated Slack channel for your team
Some questions and answers
Is there a limit to how many requests I can have?
Once subscribed, you're able to add as many development requests to your queue as you'd like, and they will be delivered one by one.
How fast will I receive my developed features?
Who are the developers?
How does the pause feature work?
What programs do you develop in?
How do I request features?
What if I don't like the developed feature or design?
What if I only have a single request?
Are there any refunds if I don't like the service?
Is there a limit to how many requests I can have?
Once subscribed, you're able to add as many development requests to your queue as you'd like, and they will be delivered one by one.
How fast will I receive my developed features?
Who are the developers?
How does the pause feature work?
What programs do you develop in?
How do I request features?
What if I don't like the developed feature or design?
What if I only have a single request?
Are there any refunds if I don't like the service?
Is there a limit to how many requests I can have?
Once subscribed, you're able to add as many development requests to your queue as you'd like, and they will be delivered one by one.
How fast will I receive my developed features?
Who are the developers?
How does the pause feature work?
What programs do you develop in?
How do I request features?
What if I don't like the developed feature or design?
What if I only have a single request?
Are there any refunds if I don't like the service?
A better way to create and publish podcasts
© 2023 SanKLaD Digital all rights reserved
A better way to create and publish podcasts
© 2023 SanKLaD Digital all rights reserved
A better way create and publish your app ideas with zero-code
Terms & Conditions
© 2023 SanKLad Digital all rights reserved
Choose your pricing
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque feugiat diam tortor, sed gravida nunc varius eleifend.
Monthly billing
Annual billing
Basic plan
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
2.000 visitors per day
Basic analytics
1 editor
1 day backup
Basic support
Get Started
Business plan
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
10.000 vistors per day
Advanced analytics
3 editors
4 days backup
Premium support
Get Started
Business plan
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
30.000 vistors per day
Advanced analytics
Unlimited editors
10 days backup
Premium support
Get Started
Basic plan
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
2.000 visitors per day
Basic analytics
1 editor
1 day backup
Basic support
Get Started
Business plan
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
10.000 vistors per day
Advanced analytics
3 editors
4 days backup
Premium support
Get Started
Business plan
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
30.000 vistors per day
Advanced analytics
Unlimited editors
10 days backup
Premium support
Get Started
Monthly billing
Annual billing
Basic plan
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
2.000 visitors per day
Basic analytics
1 editor
1 day backup
Basic support
Get Started
Business plan
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
10.000 vistors per day
Advanced analytics
3 editors
4 days backup
Premium support
Get Started
Business plan
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
30.000 vistors per day
Advanced analytics
Unlimited editors
10 days backup
Premium support
Get Started